Camera Shutter Speed

In photography, shutter speed is one of the three factors determining how an image looks. The other two factors are aperture and ISO. Shutter speed measures the time the shutter remains open to expose light to your camera’s sensor.

A faster shutter speed will freeze the action, and a slower shutter speed will blur motion.

This photography guide for beginners will discuss shutter speed and how to use it to capture the perfect photograph!

Camera Shutter Speed is a part of the exposure triangle that includes Camera Aperture and ISO.

Camera Shutter Speed

What is shutter speed?

Shutter speed is the length of time your shutter is open to expose light onto your camera’s sensor. it can be used to freeze or blur motion, depending on the shutter speed setting you use.

Faster shutter speeds will make the image darker because less light enters the camera through the lens, while slower shutter speeds will make the image lighter because more light is entering the camera.

To choose the right shutter speed, you must understand what you want to achieve with your photograph.

Understanding Shutter Speed Value

Shutter speed is measured in seconds or fractions of a second. A shutter speed value of 1/1000 means that the shutter is open for 1/1000th of a second. A shutter speed fraction of 1/250 means that the shutter is open for 1/250th of a second.

The shutter speed can be changed on most cameras by turning the dial to the desired setting. The shutter speed value will be displayed on the LCD screen on the back of the camera. When taking a picture, the shutter speed can be seen in the viewfinder.

If the shutter speed is too slow, the picture will be blurry. If the shutter speed is too fast, the picture will be dark.

How do you change the shutter speed?

If you’re just starting out in photography, one of the things you’ll need to learn how to do is change the shutter speed on your camera. Changing the shutter speed on your camera is relatively simple.

On most cameras, there will be a dial somewhere on the body of the camera marked with different shutter speeds. To change the shutter speed, simply turn the dial to the desired setting. You can also change the shutter speed using your camera’s menu system – just look for the “shutter speed” option and select the desired setting from there.

Once you’ve changed the shutter speed, check your camera’s screen to ensure it’s set correctly; most cameras will display the current shutter speed somewhere on the screen when you change it. And that’s all there is to it! With a little practice, changing the shutter speed on your camera will become second nature.


How to change shutter speed on Sony A7iii

How to change shutter speed on Canon Camera

How to change shutter speed on Nikon Camera

How to set shutter speed like a pro

When it comes to photography, exposure is everything. The perfect exposure will result in a well-balanced photo that isn’t too dark or too light. However, achieving the perfect exposure can be tricky, especially when shooting in changing light conditions.

That’s why many pro photographers prefer to shoot in manual mode so that they can easily adjust their camera settings to get the best possible results. In manual mode, photographers have complete control over shutter speed, aperture, and ISO.

This allows them to set the perfect exposure for each individual photo. So if you’re looking to take your photography to the next level, consider switching to manual mode and taking full control of your camera settings.


Fast Shutter Speed

Camera Shutter Speed
Camera Shutter Speed

A fast shutter speed is used to freeze motion. This is often used in sports photography, allowing the photographer to capture fast-moving subjects without blurring.

However, fast shutter speeds can also be used for other types of photography, such as when shooting moving water or capturing the dynamics of a dance performance.

In general, most photos are taken with a shutter speed that is fast enough to freeze the action, though there are some exceptions.


Slow Shutter Speed

Camera Shutter Speed
Camera Shutter Speed

Slow shutter speed photography is about capturing or showing movement in the photo. To do this, the shutter speed is set slow enough that when the camera is pointed at a moving subject, the subject appears blurred in the photo.

This type of photography often requires a tripod to keep the camera steady, as even the slightest movement can cause the image to be blurry. Common subjects for slow shutter speed photos include flowing water, fast-moving cars, and low light conditions.

Another type of slow shutter speed photography is low light photography. This is when the shutter speed is slow enough that more light is let into the camera, allowing for better images in low light conditions.

This type of photography often produces grainy images but can be used as a creative effect in certain situations.

Pro Tip:

Use a tripod or solid surface. Slow shutter speeds can also cause blurred images if the camera is not held perfectly still. That’s where tripods come in.

A tripod provides a stable platform for the camera, preventing it from moving and ensuring that the image remains clear. Tripods are especially important for slow shutter photography, as even the slightest movement can ruin an otherwise perfect shot.

By using a tripod, photographers can be confident that they will capture sharp, clear images, even at slow shutter speeds.


Long Shutter Speed

Camera Shutter Speed
Camera Shutter Speed

One type of long-shutter photography opportunity is light trails. This is when you set your camera to a long shutter speed and then take a photo of something with moving lights, like cars on a highway. The long shutter speed will capture the light trails as the cars move.

Another type of long-shutter photography opportunity is night photos. This is when you set your camera to a long shutter speed and then take a photo of something in low light, like the stars in the sky. The long shutter speed will capture the stars as they move across the sky.

Pro Tip:

Use a heavy-duty tripod. Tripods come in various sizes and materials, but for long shutter photography, you’ll need a heavy-duty tripod that can provide a stable platform for your camera.

By using a tripod, you can loosen up your compositions and experiment with different creative techniques.

If you’re serious about long-shutter photography, be sure to invest in a quality tripod.

What shutter speed do you need for flash photography?

When it comes to flash photography, shutter speed is an important consideration. As a general rule, the shutter speed should be no slower than 1/250th of a second. This will help to ensure that the image is properly exposed and that there is minimal motion blur.

Of course, the exact shutter speed will vary depending on the specific camera settings and the lighting conditions. However, 1/250th of a second is a good starting point for flash photography.

Shutter speed plays a vital role in flash photography because it determines how much light enters the camera and hits the sensor. If the shutter speed is too slow, the sensor will be overexposed, and the photo will be washed out. However, if the shutter speed is too fast, the photo will be underexposed, and the subject will be lost in darkness.

The key is to find the right balance between shutter speed and flash photography. This can be achieved by experimenting with different camera settings and shutter speeds.

Do I have to set the shutter speed every time?

Many amateur photographers assume that pro photographers always use manual mode to adjust their exposure settings. While it is true that manual mode gives the photographer the most control over the camera, there are times when other modes, such as aperture priority or shutter priority, may be more appropriate.

For instance, if the photographer wants to set a specific shutter speed, it may be easier to use shutter priority mode. Similarly, if the photographer wants to control the depth of field, aperture priority mode may be a better choice. Pro photographers know when to use each mode in order to get the best results.


Shutter speed and photography go together like peanut butter and jelly- or in this case, a tripod and camera. Without proper shutter speed settings, your pictures could turn out to be blurry and washed out. Leaving you to retake them (and no one wants that).

With creative use of shutter speed, however, you can capture beautiful images of things like cars driving down the street or stars in the sky. Just make sure you have a tripod handy to keep things steady- otherwise, it could all be a waste!

Camera Shutter Speed

Dustin Olsen

Mastermind behind When no one is telling me what to do or where to be, you'll find me outside (hopefully flying my drone) soaking up some sun.